Winter Playlist
November Playlist
Autumn Playlist
Why it is important we learn how to relax properly.
Melita Kylerelaxation, relax, self-care, me-time, solo time, rest, recharge, mind body health, wellbeing, stress
Let's talk about Hayfever
Body Care- Getting ready for Summer
Looking at your internal protection as well as external.
Health & Wellbeing, Body & Skin careMelita Kylehands, hand cream, hand sanitiser, Covid-19, immunity, immune system, health, bodycare, Neals yard products, Neals yard remedies
New Rhythms & Morning Rituals
Steam Diffusing
Looking at Essential Oils
Daily Cleansing Ritual- Helping to keep your skin healthy and glowing
Himalayan Salt Crystals & Lamps- Hype or Health
Reiki- How it can help bring balance & harmony
Healing with a Crystal Geode
Diffusers for wellbeing
Navigating the Menopause
Melita Kylemassage, menopause, menopausal, menopausal health, peri menopuase, peri-menoupause, hot flushes, night sweats, wellbeing, massage therapy, menopause skincare
Flexing our Mental Wellbeing
Daily Skin care for mature skin using the Jade Beauty Tool
Crystal Grids