Reiki- How it can help bring balance & harmony
I offer Reiki as one of my treatments here at Meadowsweet as it is such a delicate and beautiful healing energy to work with.
Clients who are perhaps a little nervous of being undressed or don’t particularly like being massaged or even have never had a holistic massage before will find this a wonderful treatment to introduce them into healing energy treatments. It is non-invasive , you can lie fully clothed on the couch, I often recline my clients with a soft pillow and warm blanket so that they can feel truly relaxed. With resonating music playing softly in the background. Often with fragrant handmade incense burning.
So how does it work ? and what to expect.
Reiki is an ancient healing art which has been passed down through generations of masters to students and all around the world.
It began with Mikao Usui back in Japan during a great period of change in Japan’s history as it emerged from being a feudal society becoming more industrialised as a nation. Due to this rapid change Japanese people still sought to hold onto ancient traditions whilst embracing the new. Reiki emerged out of this great time of change.
Mikao Usui trained like many in martial arts and grew up in a buddhist family. He was well respected for his mastery in the art of Samurai swordsmanship. His life took on many turns and winding paths, he married and had two children, with many jobs ranging from a public servant to private secretary for a Railroad Postmaster General. it is understood that Mikao travelled extensively to China and Europe including America to learn and study western ways. He eventually returned a for a brief time became a Tendai Buddhist Monk or priest.
From what we can gather he was an avid learner and devoured knowledge with relish. Studying scared texts, western medicine, numerology, astrology. He also took up Zen Buddhist training and attending spiritual groups one of these wa ‘Rei Jyutsy Kai’ ( When you break that word down by looking at the Rei and then Kai it almost forms Reiki!) This group still exists today and is made up of spiritual monks and Nuns. Psychics and clairvoyants in Japan.
Reiki’s roots are in Tendai Buddhism and Shintoism Tendai is more of a mystical buddhism as opposed to the more traditional buddhism we know so well here in the West due to the great Dalai Lama. Mikao Usui eventually combined his energy methods, martial arts background with his Zen training to influence the methods he created that formed his practice of Reiki.
For further reading you will find this link interesting Also Reiki Evolution is who I did my First Degree training with and I hope to do my Masters with later this year.
Here in the West we use Reiki like an oriental version of spiritual healing. Where we channel a form of energy, also known as ‘Chi’ This is quite a good explanation from Yogapedia
“Chi, also spelled qi, is life force energy or vital life of a living being in traditional Chinese philosophy, religion and medicine. The concept is similar to prana in Hinduism and yoga philosophy. Chi means “breath” or “air” and is often translated as “energy flow,” “life force” or “matter energy.” Just as prana moves through the body via channels callednadisand passes through the chakras, chi is believed to move through meridians and three energy gateways called dan tiens– one each in the pelvic region, the heart center and the third-eye center.”
Reiki is a practise that benefits both giver and receiver in a treatment. Some clients feel sensations, warmth, a feeling of peace or emotion. Experienced practitioners can often sense areas that might be troubling a client, maybe an old injury or something new that they hadn’t realised until it was mentioned. Reiki is a beautiful energy, and my hands can become quite hot when I am connected with a client and the universal light and love and energy that channels through my hands. I enjoy giving Reiki to help clients to relax on a deeper level, to heal and to feel an alignment with their bodies and minds.
It is hard to explain how the energy works, we connect through to the ancient lineage of masters and their teachings, who have attuned our teachers with special symbols who then attune us to ours. These pass down and across generations.
What to expect?
Each practitioner or therapist will be different in their approach to a Reiki treatment. Sessions can last from as little as 30 minutes up to an hour or more.
With myself, I tend to start with a Sage foot soak to help ground and bring balance and clarity before our session begins. I often place crystals across my couch in line with your chakra points to bring an added dimension of healing from the crystals.
Once you are comfortable I ask you to lie facing upwards ( prone) on my couch where I will raise the upper part so you are in a reclined position against a soft pillow with your legs supported so as not to place pressure on your lower spine. A warm blanket is draped across you because it is known that as we relax we feel temperature more as our bodies cool. Music will be softly playing in the background and we then begin…
“I am comfortable looking in the mirror, saying I love you, I really love you.”
I encourage you to practice loving yourself often, because it’s the best way to get closer to who you are.”
Sometimes I will tap my singing bowl so that you are aware treatment is about to begin. It also helps dispel any stagnate energy in the space. Or sometimes I spritz some space clearing chakra spray.
I will then connect with you by placing my hands on the crown of your head, asking the universe to connect with you by your name either outloud or silently. This sets the intention of the treatment and for it to bring you the highest good. It is also a perfect time to take some deep breaths to calm our racing hearts and minds!
I will then use symbols or a combination of symbols which I will hand draw across areas I feel need support and healing, you can keep your eyes closed or open but closed ensures a deeper and more restful treatment.
For more information please do get in touch with me. I am more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.