The importance of a double cleanse in your skincare routine
During the Winter months your skincare choices aim to allow your skin to feel fully nourished and hydrated. Cold biting winds switching to heated homes all causes a flux of contrasting elements that can make navigating the right choices difficult. However as you emerge into Spring this could be the perfect time to take a look at what products you use and adapt them to help make the most of your skin.
Winter tends to see us using heavier creams, ointments and lotions. This is due to our skin feeling more fragile, prone to drying and in need of a moisturising boost. We layer more and hopefully it works to keep your skin highly moisturised all day.
Keeping yourself hydrated is a good way to combat fluctuations and dry skin. Often we aren’t aware that we haven’t been sipping and keeping topped enough. Mainly when it is cold we don’t feel like cooler drinks, but warm herbal teas and mixing some hot boiled water into your cooler water can help. Plus the body absorbs room temperature water better than ice cold.
Eaating well is of equal importance. Your skin isn’t going to look at its best if your lifestyle and diet aren’t aligning. What you put inside your body matters just as much as what you put on the outside. Sugar craving? Think Stewed fruits with cinnamon, mashed banana on sourdough toast drizzled with local honey. Sweet potatoes, beans and winter veggies all can help your skin look its best.
So with regard to routine. We all probably have a different approach. some just splash and go, others will maybe cleanse and moisturise. Some may wear make-up, others a little and some none.
Yet having a skincare ritual or routine brings harmony into your day and helps your skin to glow. Taking a little time at the start of your day and again before bed will honestly make a huge difference. It also gives you a chance to centre yourself before the hectic pace of the day, to take a few deep breaths as you inhale some of your lovely products , let the fresh air in and hear the birds and a town waking up. Whilst later it can signal to your body that you are winding everything down. The dial is being turned much lower in your head and you can soothe your skin ready for sleep. Using the right products can help do some of that work overnight.
Some of you may remember the days of growing up when Clinique , who I believe still offer their popular 3 step range. Cleanse, tone, moisturise. Naturally healthcare, wellbeing and skin science has evolved at a rapid rate and it can be overwhelming when faced with choices and the promise of alluring results.
My first suggestion would be to try and understand your skin type. This is the foundation of what products you will buy and need. There are lots of things out on the internet and you can jot down what you notice in your daily pattern. Some skins are more oily and greasy and dry in other areas. Some are incredibly dry and prone to skin sensitivity. Acne, hormonal acne, eczema, psoriasis etc. Note the area of your face that they appear. Acne in certain facial zones can highlight something else may be going on within the body. I used to get a lot along my jaw line which can link to hips etc. .
Once you know what type you are you can search for the product that suits you best.
Here at Meadowsweet Wellbeing I use products in my facials that I personally use myself. This is because I see results that naturally work in sync with the high quality ingredients of the products. Pure clean beauty is something important to me as I care about our oceans and planet and my body. I know that some products have an endless list of fancy chemical names which makes me question what they are, what harm can they do over time and why is there a need to be placing so many in one tiny tube, jar or bottle. Now don’t get me wrong preservatives are necessary to ensure a stable product. Also to not make it go rancid. But good products will limit how many they need to add to make the product more natural and effective and seek better alternatives with less harm.
Pinks Boutique are a Spa range that I adore on all levels. They are British run by a husband and wife team. They will state on their jars, bottles how much is organic in percentages and have a no nonsense approach to good quality natural skincare. Particularly the double cleanse which frankly I had never thought about until I started using their gorgeous deep cleanse melt balm. But it makes total sense that if you haven’t got a clean face and then are adding more supportive treatment products onto, you literally aren’t going to see results over dirty pores and layers.
Here is a wonderful extract from Pinks Boutique founder Kirsty on what it is so important to double cleanse. It also echoes why I love using their Deep Cleanse Melt Balm.
Professional advise from Pinks Boutique on cleansing
Why would I use a cleansing balm as opposed to a creamy/ milk cleanser?
A cleansing balm has a dual action of removing all your make up, daily dirt and grime but also starting to nourish the skin at stage one- cleansing.
You never feel tight after using them.
The beautiful butters and oils in the base are the best ingredients for cutting through the oil formulation make up on your skin. In a professional facial we will often use these for a first cleanse and then a milk for the second cleanse- a double cleanse. Your skin feels amazing and worth trying at home!
You can use them to remove your eye make up also- saving you the cost and space of an eye make up remover in your cupboard!
Why would I use a cleansing balm as opposed to a face wash?
Most facial washes unless they are certified Organic contain an awful lot of chemical nasties- predominantly Sodium Lauryl Sulphate. This is the agents that makes them foam and bubble but it is also used in care engines, floor cleaners and is drying and irritating to the skin.
How am I best to apply them if I want to take my eye make up off with it too?
This is the easiest quickest way- if you want the shortcut route!!
You should use approx 1g.
Warm it in your hands and massage onto your face and over your eye make up. Don’t rub your eyes too much at this stage just make sure the cleanser is over the eye area and lashes and leave it to start breaking through the make up oils.
Spend as long as you can spare massaging the cleansing balm into your skin with lifting upwards movements
Add a little water to your hands and then concentrate rubbing this over your eyes.
You turn into a giant panda
Use your muslin cloth to gently remove all the panda eyes. If you wear a lot of eye make up you may need to add a tiny bit more cleanse melt to the lashes. Do not drag your skin. You can literally concentrate the cloth to be wiping the lashes
Once your eyes are back to normal- turn your cloth over and use the clean side to remove it from your face. Put this one in the wash and use a clean muslin each time
Pat dry with tissue- we advise not towels as these harbour germs unless they are fresh everyday.
The facials I offer here at Meadowsweet will always start with a cleanse melt balm as I know it suits most skin types, is effective and nourishing, and I can also gently massage the face at the same time helping with tone, hydration and circulation.
I personally use a small wooden spatula in my own skincare routine to ensure a little product goes a long way. It keeps the amount consistent and gives me that Spa vibe feel in my routine. Do ask me when you visit as I may have some spare. You really only need a small amount as it spreads and glides to ensure good coverage and cleansing. It is absolutely brilliant at removing eye makeup without dragging and leaves no trace or residue once removed with a cloth.
Below you’ll find a link so that you can choose and purchase a cleanser or other products from their organic skincare range. I would suggest trying their beautiful trail kits, that come in gorgeous boxes so that you can try before you buy a full size product. (I do receive a very small commission on any purchases which I am always grateful to recieve, thank you)
With much love & light
Melita x