L O V I N G / Y O U R S E L F / T H R O U G H / R E I K I

It feels apt on a day of cherubs and flying arrows to talk about a different aspect of ‘love’ and what it means to focus that attention and emotion onto yourself.

As a Reiki Master I appreciate daily the importance of showing gratitude and wonder at a brand new day. To be aware of the beauty in all the living things that surround and make up my daily routine. From the birds in the trees, to my family and friends. Observing the rhythm of a day and all of its interactions.

Often this involves a lot of output from ourselves. We love our family, friends and animals. We care about colleagues and the work that we do. We think about the planet, the climate, the political landscape. We react, respond and replay our day as we try to drift off to sleep.

Love is what makes us push that extra mile on a hard day if someone is feeling unwell or needs something picking up from the shops. Love is what makes us reach out when a stranger trips, to make sure they are okay. Love is leaving the bigger slice and the last on the plate. Love is taking the time to call a family member even when we are exhausted. Love sees us cook a favourite dish or post a card. Picking a bunch of sweet flowers on a walk home. Love is a bundle of so many nuances, emotions and complex reactions.

Yet how often do you tend to the garden of your own wellbeing? To say thanks to your body at how amazing it is in getting you through each day. Enabling you to do all the things that bring you joy.

Reiki energy is pure love. At the heart of my practice it is always given for the highest intention for the person receiving it. Full of goodness and light from the universal energy that sparkles with unconditional, non-judgemental love at its core.

Energy flows in my Reiki sessions where needed. It scans and hovers and swirls and dives and meanders like invisible golden threads of electric brilliance. Unseen to our eyes but felt through the mind. body and soul. These precious sessions are moments where you can feel that harmonious love that your soul and body have for you. Reiki helps connect you back to the core of who you truly are in a good and positive way. It allows you to enter a deeper state of relaxation to receive the energy so that it may deliver its work.

We do find it hard to put ourselves at the top of the list in term of loving ourselves. Some from societal expectations, others imprinted from childhood, and so on. Yet to allow this wonderful universal love to flow within yourself is truly a gift. It doesn’t mean that you no longer care about others, just signals that you care enough about your own wellbeing. In Reiki you are always guided by love. An appreciation of your magnificent body and brain that ensures you can be emotionally and spiritually and physically whole. Tending to your own wellbeing garden ensures you have the resources to give out to others with love.

In Reiki Level I, there is thE opportunity to explore how Reiki through Mikao Usui originated and learn of its intentions, uses, symbols, and meanings. Whilst receiving an attunement from a Master like myself so that you can go away with knowledge to practice on yourself and family and friends and even pets! I liken it to mini top up sessions where you can keep a balanced flow of energy going within you.

I’m planning to put together a Spring workshop on Reiki I to teach you about the wonder of this ancient practice so that you can help love yourself more as well as having teh skills to share this with others.

Leave a comment below if you are interested and I’ll add you to my wait list.

As always sending much love & light to you.

Melita x